Quick links! INTERROBANG - my short form comedy anthology - on Seeka TV ‘WING DAD’ - screenwriter's reel (selected scenes) WING DAD - my debut feature as a screenrwriter - on Amazon Prime Press: INTERROBANG Review! (The Arts STL) Cake Fight Presents: The Making of - a YouTube Series PRESS: Guest Hosting on Screenwriting from the Trenches INTERROBANG at MINNESOTA WEBFEST! INTERROBANG IN-PERSON Premiere at DANCES WITH FILMS! Share your Interrobang Moment! Press: Paige Interviewed on In the Know with Ray on 550AM KTRS PRESS: Paige Interviewed on Hungry Trilobyte Podcast PRESS: Paige Discusses her FAvorite Boss Bitch Romcoms on BritFLICKS Interrobang WORLD PREMIERE at Seattle International Film Festival How to Fall in Love the Hard Way: An Audio Romcom Series Interrobang: A short form comedy anthology The Interrobang Facebook Page Press: I won the Alma Hanukah Movie Pitch Contest! (Alma.com) Press: Screenwriting Contests are Expensive! (JohnAugust.com) Press: Female Filmmaker Panel Press: Guesting on Scriptnotes Live Episode 445 PRESS: WING DAD Stories for Resistance: A Storytelling Show and Benefit My Twitter! And, of course, Instagram!